Our Certifications

Empowering eco-friendly
cleaning solutions.

Eco-friendly cleaning solutions
are a breath of fresh air.

Many of our clients choose us because they want to promote sustainability by choosing cleaning chemicals that employ renewable, regrowable and biodegradable resources.

Star Pro Chemicals proudly provide high performance environmentally friendly, EcoLogo Certified, Organic Certified and Health Canada Approved products to clients who demand the highest level of quality, service and expertise.
What’s the value of certifications like EcoLogo? Firstly, you can be sure our products are what we say they are. Secondly, third-party certification from UL Environment can help you qualify for numerous green building and specification programs, codes, and procurement policies, such as LEEDs® and the International Green Construction Code (IgCC), to name a few.

Certifications are good for your business.

Our eco-friendly cleaning solutions backed by trusted certifications promote green living, help to conserve energy and also prevent air, water and noise pollution. They can prove to be boon for the environment and also prevent human health from deterioration. Now that’s a breath of fresh air.